Safeguard works

Fraud and financial crime is becoming more sophisticated and globally organised – so there’s a need for greater security measures to help protect you against financial crime. We need to make sure our records are complete and up-to-date. This helps our systems and people to do their job of deterring and detecting cyber-crime.

Once we understand how you normally do your banking, we’re able to spot anything unusual which could indicate fraudulent activity. The information you give us helps us to root out criminals and fraudsters and will help to stop them from accessing or misusing your account or the accounts of other customers.

Protecting our customers and our society

By providing up to date information to us, you help us to protect you and society, by keeping criminals out of the financial system.

We use a number of sophisticated systems to help keep your money safe. Some of these look at your transactions to try to spot the ones that don’t look ‘right.’

Read more about how HSBC Safeguard works.

Personal Customers: why do we need information about your income?

Proving where your money comes from helps protect you and the banking system from fraud and financial crime.

Business customers: why do we need information about how your business is run?

Transparency around business ownership and key business controllers equips us to keep your business safe from fraud and financial crime.

Frequently asked questions

Answers to common questions about financial crime.